CONTATTACI +39 3481639945

ABOUT - Sustainability


THE GREENwe love

We go on vacation to regenerate.
We can find balance without stressing the


walking through the Elban woods,

brushing past majestic trees, and listening to the ancestral sounds of nature. For this reason, in our facility, we have eliminated the use of gas, opting for electric energy produced solely from renewable, environmentally friendly sources.


lying on the sun-kissed beaches,

whether pebbly or fine sand, all wonderful and pristine, and being caressed by the sea breeze. That’s why we minimize single-use plastic, resorting to refillable dispensers for soaps and detergents – all ecological – and to glass bottles to be filled with still or sparkling water at the dispenser in the reception.


reaching the most scenic spots on the island,

to contemplate the vibrant green of the Mediterranean scrub and the pure blue that sparkles in the bays and gulfs. This is the reason why we prefer recycled materials and combat waste also through small gestures, such as changing the linen weekly.


diving into a sea of crystal,

that invites us to explore its seabed rich in life. For this reason, we have equipped our villas with high-efficiency appliances and we have a project underway to install a state-of-the-art photovoltaic system to produce our energy.


to blend discreetly with what surrounds us,

to enjoy the island respectfully, without compromising its face and profile. That’s why we have designed practical and functional outdoor spaces. Like our “Raw Gym”, an artisanal gym built with natural materials to integrate with the environment and return to it, without impact, when the time comes to replace it.


to keeping this wonderful island unaltered,

so it can continue to be so forever.

But from everyone

Here are some that contribute to protecting this corner of paradise:


Use only the necessary amount of water for personal hygiene, not a drop more. Just take short showers and turn off the taps when soaping up.

Use reusable water bottles and fabric shopping bags, thus reducing single-use plastic waste.

Use soaps and detergents sparingly. Even if the ones provided are ecological, we want to minimize the impact related to production, transport, and disposal.

Turn off the lights when leaving a room and the air conditioning when we are out. When the breeze blows, we turn off the air conditioning and open the windows wide.

Use the washing machine and dishwasher only when fully loaded. These appliances consume a fixed amount of water and energy with each cycle. Starting them only when full maximizes the use of these resources, reducing overall consumption.

Move on foot and by bicycle or use public transport, possibly electric, whenever possible.

The sheets and pens we have provided are made of recycled material. Their production still involves some environmental costs. So don’t waste them.

Correctly separate waste. By facilitating their recovery and reuse, we reduce the need to extract new natural resources.

Support the local community by purchasing local products and encouraging participation in activities that support the local economy, such as guided tours of the island’s historical, cultural, and natural sites.